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Geobioinformatics Master Program


Application page: https://international.uni-sopron.hu/application-page 

Course name: Geobioinformatics Master Program
Degree: Master in Geobioinformatics

Education goals: The goal of the program is to provide knowledge in biology, computer science, geoinformatics, and bioinformatics, as well as to recognize and utilize the synergies between these four disciplines. Additionally, the program aims to convey the latest geoinformatics and bioinformatics knowledge, focusing on the collection, storage, and analysis of geographical and biological data, as well as the scientific exploration and publication of their interrelationships. Graduates of the program are prepared to continue their studies in doctoral programs.

Length of the study programme: 2 semesters

Total credit: 60

Detailed description: Students will learn the basics of modern molecular biology applications, gain insights into bioinformatics, combine and draw conclusions from validated bioinformatics and geospatial data, supervise data processing, machine learning, and visualisation methods, and master the necessary software management. Ultimately, they can build models for characterising biological systems by adequately interpreting the informatics data.

Objectives: This graduate program aims to train biologists and informaticians to gain theoretical and practical skills in analysing geographical and biological data and combine them into timely structured biological processes involved in forestry, agriculture, nature conservation and human disease-related epidemics.

Key competences provided: In addition to providing a sound methodological basis for the use of modern biological and geospatial applications, the programme addresses the key aspects of analysing the meaning of the biological data and combining it with current geographical information to provide up-to-date monitoring of the health and disease-related trends in nature and the human environment.

Main subejcts: Molecular biology, Methodology of modern molecular biological applications, IT basics and databases, Data analysis and visualization, GIS, Introduction to bioinformatics, Biological applications of bioinformatics, Sequence and structural bioinformatics, Machine learning, Remote sensing, Latest updates in bioinformatics research, Management and publications

Career opportunities: Researcher, analyst, academic career, multinational companies

Prerequisites: BA/BSc diploma from Biology, Chemistry or Informatics 

Curriculum of the Geobioinformatics MSc program

Sem. Parameters of course
(name, creditpoints, evaluation, type)
lect. pract.
1st Modern Molecular Biology 5 E A 2 2
Management and Publication 3 M A 2 2
Fundamentals of IT and Databases 5 M A 1 3
Data Analysis and Visualization 5 M A 1 3
Geoinformatics 5 E A 2 2
Introduction to Bioinformatics 4 E A 2 2
Optional subject 3   C    
2nd Applications of Bioinformatics in Biology 5 E A 2 2
Machine Learning 5 M A 1 3
Remote Sensing 5 E A 2 2
Sequence and Structural Bioinformatics 5 E A 2 2
Latest Bioinformatics Research 4 M A 2 2
Thesis 5 M A   4


  • Type of courses
    • A = compulsory
    • C = elective
  •  Evaluation
    • E = exam
    • M = mid-term grade

Academic calendar

General structure of the semester

Registration 1st week
Study period 2nd — 15th week
Exam period 6 weeks
 Usually, study period is scheduled for the 1st week of September in the fall semester and for the 1st week of February in the spring semester.

Grading system

Grade Definition
5 Excellent, Very good Outstanding with minor errors
4 Good Generally sound work with a number of notable errors
3 Satisfactory, Acceptable Fair but with significant shortcomings 
2 Pass Performance meets the minimum criteria
1 Fail

Further work is required

Related scientific publications

  • Kredics, L., Nagy, VD., Allaga, H., Balázs, D., Büchner, R., Kedves, O., Sipos, G. Recent advances in the use of Trichoderma-containing multicomponent microbial soil inoculants for pathogen control and plant growth promotion. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2024) (review accepted)
  • Sahu, N., Indic, B., Wong-Bajracharya, J., Merényi, Z., Huei-Mien K., Ahrendt, S., Monk, T-L., Kocsubé, S., Drula, E., Lipzen, A., Bálint, B., Hnerissat, B., Andreopuloulos, B., Martin, FM., Bugge Harder, C., Rigling, D., Ford, K., Foster, GD., Pangilian, J., Papanicolau, A., Barry, K., LaButti, K., Virágh, M., Koriabine, M., Yan, M., Riley, R., Champramary, S., Plett, KL., Grigoriev, IV., Tsai, IJ., Slot, J., Sipos, G., Plett, J., Nagy, LG. Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in the fungal genus Armillaria. Nature Microbiology 8:1668–1681 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-023-01448-1
  • Champramary, S., Indic, B., KM Faridul, H., Tyagi, C., Languar, O., Szekeres, A., Vágvölgyi, C., Kredics, L., Sipos, G. The mycoremediation potential of the Armillarioids: a comparative genomics analysis. Frontiers in Bioengeneering and Biotechnology 11:1189640 (2023) doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1189640
  • Chen, L., Champramary, S., Sahu, N., Indic, B., Szűcs, A., Nagy, G., Maróti, G., Pap, B., Vágvölgyi, C., Nagy, LG., Kredics, L., Sipos, G. Dual RNA-Seq profiling unveils mycoparasitic activities of Trichoderma atroviride against haploid Armillaria ostoyae in antagonistic interaction assays. Microbiology Spectrum 11/3: (2023) doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.04626-22
  • Huynh, T., Vörös, M., Kedves, O., Turbat, A., Sipos, G., Leitgeb, B., Vágvölgyi, Cs., Szekeres, A. Discrimination between the closely related species of the operational group B. amyloliquefaciens based on whole-cell fatty acid profiling. Microorganisms 10(2):418 (2022) doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10020418
  • Kedves, O., Shahab, D., Champramary, S., Chen, L., Indic, B., Bóka, B., Nagy, VD., Vágvölgyi C., Kredics, L., Sipos, G. Epidemiology, biotic interactions and biological control of Armillarioids in the Northern Hemisphere. Pathogens 10(1):76 (2021) doi: 10.3390/pathogens10010076
  • Sahu, N., Merényi, Z., Bálint, B., Kiss, B., Sipos, G., Owens, R., Nagy, LG., Hallmarks of basidiomycete soft- and white-rot in wood-decay -omics data of two Armillaria species. Microorganisms 9(1):149 (2021) doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9010149
  • Heinzelmann, R., Münsterkötter, M., Sipos, G., Croll, D., Chromosomal assembly and analyses of genome-wide recombination rates in the forest pathogenic fungus Armillaria ostoyae. Heredity 124(6):699-713 (2020) doi: 10.1038/s41437-020-0306-z
  • Kappel, L., Münsterkötter, M., Sipos, G., Gruber, S., Chitin and chitosan remodeling defines vegetative development and Trichoderma biocontrol.
    PLOS Pathogens 16(2):e1008320 (2020) doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1008320
  • Chen, L, Bóka, B., Kedves, O., Nagy VD., Szűcs, A., Champramary, S., Patocskai, Z., Huynh, T., Indic, B., Vágvölgyi, C., Sipos, G., Kredics, L. Towards the biological control of devastating forest pathogens from the genus Armillaria. Forests 10(11), 1013 (2019) doi.org/10.3390/f10111013
  • Sipos G, Anderson JB, Nagy LG. Plant pathogens: Armillaria. Current Biology (2018) 28/7: R297-R298 (2018) doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.01.026
    Sipos, G., Prasanna. AN., Walter, MC., O Connor, E., Balint, B., Krizsan, K., Kiss, B., et al. Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1/12: 1931-1941 (2017) doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0347-8
  • Tsykun, T., Rellstab, C., Dutech, C., Sipos, G., Prospero, S., Comparative assessment of SSR and SNP markers for inferring the population genetic structure of the common fungus Armillaria cepistipes. Heredity 119/5: 371-380 (2017) doi: 10.1038/hdy.2017.48
  • Heinzelmann, R., Croll, D., Zoller, S., Sipos, G., Munsterkotter, M., Guldener, U., & Rigling, D., High-density genetic mapping identifies the genetic basis of a natural colony morphology mutant in the root rot pathogen Armillaria ostoyae. Fungal Genetics & Biology 108: 44-54 (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2017.08.007
  • Recent advances in the use of Trichoderma-containing multicomponent microbial inoculants for pathogen control and plant growth promotion
  • Chen, L., Shahab, D., Kedves, O., Champramary, S., Indic, B., Nagy, VD., Vágvölgyi, C., Kredics, L., Sipos, G. Armillarioid root rot invasion: possibilities of silvicultural and chemical control. Hardwood Conference Proceedings (2021) ↓ 
  • Champramary, S., Indic, B., Kredics, L., Sipos, G. A comparison of the wood decay abilities of common white-rot fungi from the Carpathian Basin. Hardwood Conference Proceedings (2022) ↓ 

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