
Gyengénlátó Változat
Útvonal|6|en_GB|News|News 2023-2024
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International Students of the Lámfalussy Faculty went to explore Szombathely

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On the 1sst of December, a group of spirited international students from the Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics embarked on a journey to Szombathely.


This trip was a thrilling exploration of history, innovation, and cultural richness.


Our expedition kicked off with a bus ride filled with anticipation and excitement. The first destination was The Pannon Business Network Association, where students explored advanced manufacturing, management, and senior treatment converged. We witnessed cutting-edge technologies and management strategies and were offered a glimpse into the future of various industries.


After an enriching company visit the group went to a local restaurant, where we shared stories over a delectable lunch.


The next stop transported us back in time—way back—to the ancient Roman era. The Iseum Savariense unfolded the city's rich history. Walking through the remnants of ancient architecture and insight into the lives and legacies of those who walked these streets centuries ago was fascinating.


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Intercultural Gathering at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics

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On the enchanting afternoon of Thursday, November 30th, the vibrant community of third-year international economics students hosted a delightful intercultural gathering at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics. 

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This captivating event was thoughtfully created for international and English-speaking students, with the aim of fostering connections among students from diverse corners of the world and creating a joyful space to explore each other's rich cultures.


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The afternoon unfolded with engaging activities, including classics like Hangman, Activity, and the ever-intriguing "Who am I?". Attendees were treated to a culinary journey, sampling an array of delectable pastries and snacks featuring cherished recipes from various countries, masterfully prepared by the organizers.


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This convivial occasion extended its warm invitation to students not only from the economics realm but also from other faculties. Amidst the laughter and shared moments, attendees revelled in the welcoming atmosphere, seizing numerous opportunities to forge connections, appreciate cultural diversity, and revel in the delightful tapestry of their peers' backgrounds. The event truly epitomized the spirit of unity, joy, and cross-cultural celebration.


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The 20th International Scientific Conference

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The Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics “Sustainability Transitions: Challenges and Innovative Solutions” conference – held on November 23, 2023 – was a part of the Hungarian Science Festival, a Hungarian Academy of Sciences-initiated national series of program events.


The hybrid online/in-person conference was organized in cooperation with „For the Higher Education at Sopron Foundation”.

The conference focused on sustainability, in particular, the transition to sustainability. The focus emphasized the present and near-future rather than distant-future sustainability theories and practices.

Over 150 domestic and international participants and many of the faculty’s international PhD students also participated. The widely recognized and popular conference attracted attendees from Germany, Austria, Spain, Croatia, Romania, and Ghana. The event presented and discussed 112 scientific works.

Conference Chairperson Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES, Dean of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, opened the event by welcoming participants and emphasizing the commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly operations the University of Sopron and the Faculty of Economics have made, a commitment reflected in and supported by their teaching and research. The conference contributed to the vital tasks of disseminating sustainability principles and developing sustainability solutions.

Three plenary speeches in English followed the conference opening and welcome speech.

In his presentation “How to Make European Integration Fair and Sustainable?” Dr. István P. SZÉKELY – Principal Advisor in the Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission and Honorary Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest – compared several countries from a specific point of view, focusing specifically on Hungary.

Our second plenary speaker was Dr. habil. Alexandra KÖVES – Associate Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest and Vice-President of the European Society for Ecological Economics. In “Ecological Economics: The Green Solution to the Transition to Sustainability,” Dr. Köves provided a witty and passionate presentation about current environmental protection problems, particularly those in endangered areas.

In “The Multifaceted Nature of Sustainability: From Sustainability (Sustained) Development to Sustainability Transitions,” Dr. habil. Balázs István TÓTH – Associate Professor of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron, and Director of the Lamfalussy Research Centre – offered detailed insights into his scientific research and results.

Twelve parallel sessions followed the lunch break, including seven hybrid sessions involving in-person and online attendees participating through MS Teams, four exclusively online sessions, and one poster session. Sessions were in English, German, and Hungarian.

An opportunity for questions, comments, and professional debate followed the sessions. The conference also afforded an excellent opportunity to present the latest research results and exchange experiences, thus helping establish and implement new personal and institutional collaborations.

Presentation abstracts appeared in an electronic publication (abstract booklet) on conference day. Following peer review, submitted papers will appear in an electronic publication (conference proceedings) in March of next year.

The authors of the most outstanding papers will have the opportunity to be published in either the “Economy and Society” or “E-conom” journals following peer review. We thank our sponsors (ALTEO, BÉRES) for contributing to the organization of the conference.


We thank our plenary speakers and all participants for choosing our event as a venue to present their scientific work.

We also thank all interested parties who honored our conference with their personal or online participation.

Thank you to all the colleagues and students who contributed to the success of our conference.

We look forward to seeing everyone again at next year’s conference!


Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES Dean,
Professor Conference Chairperson

Dr. Richárd RESPERGER Assistant Professor,
Chairman of the Organizing Committee


Pictures from the conference are available here: 20231123_MTU

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Project Week at the Faculty of Economics: Promoting through Social Media Marketing

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Within the framework of the project week held between 6th and 9th November, international students at the University of Sopron delved into the realm of digital marketing, shooting captivating promotional videos that highlight the essence of our esteemed institution.


On Monday the journey kicked off with an immersive presentation on digital marketing and video editing. Guided by professionals, and with the help of PhD students, prticipants absorbed key insights into the complexity of social media marketing. With innovative ideas buzzing in the air, the day was devoted to conceptualizing the themes and messages that would define their promotional videos.

Blessed with beautiful weather, Tuesday saw our international group taking to the streets, cameras in hand. Filming against the picturesque sights of the city, the students captured the dynamic spirit of Sopron. Other students and people of Sopron became accidental extras in the cinematic narrative of the university, adding an authentic touch to the videos.

Wednesday marked a return to familiar grounds. Armed with newfound skills and inspiration, students captured the essence of university life, academic pursuits, and the vibrant campus atmosphere. In the afternoon, the focus shifted to the editing room, where the raw footage was transformed into polished promotional pieces.

The results of the project unfolded on Thursday. Students gathered to unveil their videos and the classroom echoed with applause and appreciation as each group shared their visual narratives. After each participant was awarded with a certificate of the successful completion of the project, the group took a walk in the sunny weather to the Botanika coffee, where, amidst sips of coffee and bites of breakfast, students engaged in a spirited discussion reflecting on the week that had transpired. Laughter resonated as experiences were recounted, challenges discussed, and the collective journey celebrated over a shared meal. This casual yet profound gathering at Botanika not only marked the end of an impactful project week but also strengthened the bonds formed through collaborative learning and creative exploration.

This innovative project not only extended the students' skills in digital marketing and video production but also fostered cross-cultural collaboration and a deeper understanding of the university's identity. The resulting videos show the diverse perspectives that make the University of Sopron a truly global academic community. As the curtains closed on this successful project week, the promotional videos will continue to invite prospective students from around the world to join the vibrant tapestry that is the University of Sopron.


Gallery >>>

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Conference on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival at the Lamfalussy Faculty

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Sustainability Transitions: Challenges and Innovative Solutions


The University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (SOE LKK) and “For the Higher Education at Sopron Foundation” are organizing its traditional International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival.


We are organizing our conference in the hope of meeting you in person, but we are also extending the possibility of online participation.


Title of the Conference: Sustainability Transitions: Challenges and Innovative Solutions.

Date of the Conference: Thursday 23 November 2023.

Venue: Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (H-9400 Sopron, Erzsébet street 9.)


Schedule of the Conference:

09.00–09.50 Registration

09.50–10.00 Opening, greeting

10.00–12.00 Plenary Session

12.00–13.30 Lunch Break

13.40–17.40 Parallel Sessions


Plenary lecturers and title of their presentation in English:

Dr. István P. SZÉKELY Principal Advisor (DG ECFIN, European Commission, Brussels): How to Make European Integration Fair and Sustainable?

Dr. Alexandra KÖVES Associate Professor (Corvinus University of Budapest), Vice-President of the European Society for Ecological Economics: Ecological Economics: The Deep-Green Shade of Sustainability Transitions

Dr. habil. Balázs István TÓTH Associate Professor, Director of the Lamfalussy Research Centre (SOE LKK): The Multifaceted Nature of Sustainability: From Sustainability (Sustained) Development To Sustainability Transitions


Please attend to conference with presentation in the afternoon session.


Registration deadline: November 3, 2023. Extended registration deadline: November 10, 2023.


More information and registration on the conference website: http://old.lkk.uni-sopron.hu/en_GB/conference-hsd


All interested persons are welcome to attend our conference.


Sincerely, on behalf of the Organizers:

Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES Dean,
Conference Chairperson

Dr. Richárd RESPERGER,
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Invitation to the Conference (pdf)

Data Protection Guide of the Conference (pdf)

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The Soproni Közgáz team achieved first place in the XXII. National Financial Case Study Competition

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The students of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics won one of the most prestigious economic-themed professional competitions of the Hungarian higher education.



The 22nd National Financial Case Study Competition took place in Győr, commencing with an online round on January 27 and followed by an in-person round on February 3-4. A total of 12 teams from higher education institutions participated in this year's competition, with 6 teams advancing to the "A" final including Soproni Közgáz „Kiwik” team. During the final round, each team was given 20 minutes to present their solution to the published case study, followed by a question and answer session with the jury. After careful consideration, the Sopron Közgáz team, known as "Kiwik” won the competition.


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the team members, Norbert Benke, Major Laura, Attila Pinezits Kevin, and Hanna Zsigrai, for their outstanding performance. Their representation of the University of Sopron and the Lámfalussy Faculty was of exceptional quality, and their achievement in bringing home the winning cup to the University of Sopron is truly commendable.


We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Aranka Baranyi PhD and Tóthné Dr. Szabó Erzsébet PhD for their significant contributions to the team's preparation. We also extend our thanks to colleagues Erzsébet Szabó and Titanilla Tevely, as well as Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD, whose valuable advice greatly contributed to the team's success.


The dedication and hard work of all involved have undoubtedly brought great honor to the University of Sopron and have showcased the institution's commitment to excellence in the field of finance.

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