
Gyengénlátó Változat
Útvonal|6|en_GB|Doctoral School
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About the Doctoral School

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István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School



The Establishment of the Doctoral School

The Doctoral School was founded by the economist Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Gidai, who also established the Faculty of Economics and who was the head of the doctoral school until her death in August 2008. The Plenum of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee at its regular meeting on July 6, 2001 approved the request for temporary accreditation in 2001/6/IX. s. approved with its decision. During the 2007 accreditation procedure, the Doctoral School was accredited. From 2008 to April 9, 2017, Prof. Dr. Csaba Székely DSc led the doctoral school, when he could no longer assume the leadership of the doctoral school due to his age of 70. From 2017 to August 15, 2020, Prof. Edit Éva Kiss DSc was the head of the doctoral school. 2020. from August 15, the rector of the university appointed Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD as the head of the doctoral school. HAC No. 2022/9/V/1/2 dated November 18, 2022. based on its decision, it accredited the Doctoral School until November 18, 2027.

The purpose of doctoral education

Doctoral training is primarily the scientific preparation of future research and teaching professionals. In the training system, the acquisition of the knowledge and skills that are indispensable for the continuation of research activities at the international level is of particular importance. The training provides essential methodological and theoretical knowledge, enables the acquisition of comprehensive skills in a specialized field, and also includes individual research and the preparation of a dissertation.

The aim of the doctoral training is for the doctoral students to be able to plan and carry out primary and secondary research and analyze and synthesize the literature in order to continue their high-level scientific work. Another requirement is the acquisition and use of scientific methodological applications during research work, as well as publication in both Hungarian and foreign languages. The doctoral student must prove these skills and abilities by preparing and defending the dissertation.

Who are we waiting for?

We are waiting for lecturers and researchers who would like to continue their scientific work in one of the following areas:

  • Business Economics and Management;
  • Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development;
  • Finances;
  • International Economy and Management;
  • Marketing, and Tourism;
  • Relationships Between Socio-economic Inequalities.

The duration of the doctoral program is 4 years, which is divided into 2+2 years. In the first two years students have contact classes and they do research works. By the end of the fourth semester there is a comprehensive examination where students present their achievements and the future plans regarding the doctoral work. The last two years are about research work and the preparation of the dissertation (doctoral thesis). By the end of the fourth year the active student status will end. Within three years of the complex examination, the doctoral degree procedure must be initiated.

In addition to our doctoral training, we also welcome second-year students from the International Cross Border PhD Programs, who fulfil their first year of study at the University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt, Austria. This joint PhD program in International Economic Relations and Management takes place within the international cooperation framework.

In addition to the doctoral training, the task of our doctoral school is also to evaluate and carry out habilitation applications submitted to the University of Sopron in the field of science we represent.

The tuition fee is 2000 USD / semester.

You can find more information under each menu item.

We are available by phone, in person or by e-mail at the following contacts:

Ildikó Petróné Tóth Coordinator
+36 99 518106

Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics Professor, Head of Doctoral School
+36 30 3855744

Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD
Head of Doctoral School

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Education Programme

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We are waiting for lecturers and researchers who would like to continue their scientific work in one of the following areas:

  • Business Economics and Management,
  • Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development,
  • Finances,
  • International Economy and Management,
  • Marketing, and Tourism,
  • Relationships Between Socio-economic Inequalities.

The Training Structure of the Doctoral School

The primary objective of the doctoral education programme is to prepare future researchers and lecturers for scientific activity. The system lays special emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are indispensable for professional research at the international level.

The doctoral education programme divided into 2+2 training phases, where:

  • The first phase (education and research) offers introductory training in theory and methodology for all participants in the form of compulsory methodology courses and specialised courses (1st year). In the second year, the emphasis shifts to the acquisition of an extensive knowledge and proficiency. To that end, students participate in compulsory and optional specialised courses of the education programme. Individual research, the participation in teaching activities, scientific activities and publication activities also contribute to that goal. The phase closes with a complex exam.
  • The second phase (the phase of research and dissertation writing) is the phase of the degree procedure. It entails the preparation, the internal defence and the public defence of the dissertation. Until the dissertation is complete, the candidate performs individual research under the guidance of his/her supervisor, participates in scientific public life, publishes works and, optionally works as a teacher. The supervisor/supervisors monitors/monitor the activity of the students or candidates on a continuous basis and assesses/assess it in every semester.

The Requirements of Organised Education

The requirements for organised full-time and part-time courses are set out in the table below.


Number of credits











I. Educational credit

Foundation subjects:










Research Methodology 1 (quantitative)










Research Methodology 2 (qualitative)










Literature processing techniques










Scientific publication writing










Optional subject










I. Total educational credits










II. Research credits










III. Consultation credits










IV. Publication credits



V. Professional, scientific and public activities




















Teaching (optional)










The definition of the education and research requirements of the Doctoral School for full-time, correspondent, and individual training participants is based on the following credit values:

a) The student can earn 40 credits in education, 104 credits in research, and 24 credits in consulting, 56 credits in publication, and 16 credits in professional, academic and public activity. 16 additional credits can be earned through teaching.

b) A minimum of 90 credits must be completed by the end of the fourth active semester; this must include at least seven publication credits.

c) “Professional, scientific and public activities”: two credits per semester in any combination of:

  • workplace and public defence participation in a local or other doctoral school (1 credit);
  • compulsory participation in workshop events at the local doctoral school (1 credit);
  • participation in a professional and/or scientific event (e.g. conference, workshop, committee meeting, professional scientific presentation) (1 credit).

A certificate of task completion must be presented, signed by the organiser of the event, but a copy of the attendance sheet is also acceptable. One participation = 1 credit.

d) The 56-credit publication activity must be completed no later than the end of the eighth semester. A minimum of six publications must be completed as follows:

  • at least three articles or communications published in peer-reviewed scientific journals or volumes, at least one of which must be in a foreign language (one in Hungarian/native language = 11 credits, one in a foreign language = 15 credits); at least one of these must be a first-authored article and at least one "B" or "Q2" level;
  • at least two articles or communications (not abstracts) in your mother tongue or in a foreign language, published in a conference publication with ISBN or ISSN. (1 = 7 credits);
  • at least one other publication (e.g. review) (1 = 5 credits).

e) Students are required to register in the MTMT system and upload their publications. Works not included in the MTMT database will not be taken into account in the assessment of the student’s scientific publication activity. Only those studies that are recognised by MTMT as being of a scientific nature will be considered.

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Joint PhD Programme

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The structure and requirements of the International Cross Border PhD Programme were agreed by a consortium of participating universities. The Joint Cross-Border PhD programme requires students to complete 240 ECTS credits, including courses at the University of Applied Sciences, Burgenland, which organises the basic training, and at the University of Sopron, as well as additional requirements set by the doctoral school.

a) Subjects to be completed

First and second semester (in Eisenstadt)

  • World Economy
  • Academic Research Methodology
  • Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
  • Advanced Statistics and Multivariate Analysis
  • Economic Philosophy
  • Economic Innovation
  • Research/consultation credits
  • Publication credits

Third and fourth semester (in Sopron)

  • Strategic management (3. semester)
  • Three elective subjects (optional subject with supervisor)
  • Research/consultation credits
  • Publication credits

b) The training structure of the programme is presented in the next Table.


Credits in













I. Education credits










Basic subjects in Eisenstadt





Compulsory subjects of the program in Eisenstadt





Elective subjects (in Sopron)










Complex exam










I. Total educational credits










II. Research credits/Thesis/Project work










III. Consultation credits (work with supervisor)










IV. Publication credits Compulsory

Credit points according to publication activity at the end of the 8th semester of the doctoral program (in total)


V. Active participation in scientific conferences, workshops, and others










Total (obtainable credits)










c) The publication requirement does not differ from the requirements of the doctoral school.

d) The internal defence will be held at the Eisenstadt Campus, as decided by the consortium.

e) The public defence of the doctoral thesis takes place in Sopron. Representatives of the universities participating in the programme will participate in the procedure as committee members and opponents.

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Data of the Doctoral School

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Doctoral school identification data

Name of the doctoral school: István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School

The ID of the doctoral school: 239

Field of study: Social Sciences

Field of study: Economics and Management

Place: Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Erzsébet str. 9., Hungary


Phone: +36 99 518106

E-mail: lkk-doktori##kukac##uni-sopron.hu

Ildikó Petróné Tóth Doctoral Lecturer and Coordinator
Mobil: +36 30 9575587

Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics Head of Doctoral School
Mobil: +36 30 3855744

Core members

  • Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD Professor
  • Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián PhD Professor
  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD Professor
  • Prof. Dr. László Szalay DSc Professor
  • Dr. habil. Balázs István Tóth PhD Associate Professor
  • Dr. habil. Zoltán Pogátsa PhD Associate Professor
  • Prof. Dr. László Kulcsár CSc Professor Emeritus
  • Prof. Dr. Csaba Székely DSc Core Member Emeritus

Members of the Scientific Doctoral Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD Professor
  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD Professor
  • Dr. habil. Balázs István Tóth PhD Associate Professor
  • Prof. Dr. Csaba Székely DSc Core Member Emeritus, Member with the Right to Consult
  • Prof. Gyula Bakacsi CSc Professor – External Member with Voting Rights
  • Prof. József Popp DSc Professor – External Member with Voting Rights
  • Student representative

Namesake of the doctoral school

István, Count Széchenyi, (born Sept. 21, 1791, Vienna, Austrian Empire – died April 8, 1860, Döbling, near Vienna), reformer and writer whose practical enterprises represented an effort toward Hungarian national development before the upsurge of revolutionary radicalism in the 1840s.

Born into an old, aristocratic Hungarian family, Széchenyi fought against Napoleon I and thereafter traveled extensively in Europe. The modernity of England and France impressed him, especially when he contrasted them with his backward homeland. Resolved to improve Hungary’s condition, he donated a year’s income to establish the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences (1825). At Széchenyi’s instigation, the Hungarian nobility formed aristocratic clubs to discuss political affairs. In 1830 he introduced steam shipping on the Danube. Also in that year, he began publishing a number of works, including Hitel (1830; “Credit”), Vilag (1831; “Light”), and Stadium (1833), in which he voiced Hungary’s need for economic advancement.

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Habilitation Requirements

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The habilitation is the university's assessment of teaching and presentation skills, as well as academic performance. The title of habilitated doctor can be obtained as a result of the habilitation procedure conducted on the basis of an application in the discipline corresponding to the applicant's doctoral degree. In a discipline other than the discipline of the applicant's doctoral degree, the initiation of the habilitation procedure can be requested if the applicant's activities since obtaining the academic degree justify it.

Requirements imposed on the applicant

  • has held a doctorate (PhD) degree for at least 5 years and is engaged in high-level, independent scientific creative activity;
  • performed teaching duties in a domestic or foreign higher education institution for at least 8 semesters;
  • has a broad overview and up-to-date scientific knowledge in the field of the studied discipline;
  • he can put his knowledge into a clear, learnable, logical system, i.e. he has the ability to create curriculum;
  • he can convey his systematic knowledge orally (in a lecture) and in writing (notes, textbook), i.e. he has knowledge transfer skills;
  • is able to convey his knowledge in at least one foreign language (English, German, French or Russian) in addition to his mother tongue. Upon request, based on the reasons arising from the nature of the field, the EDHT may deviate from these foreign languages, in consultation with the doctoral council of the relevant discipline;
  • actively participates in domestic and international academic professional life;
  • fulfills the requirements set out in the annex;
  • has a criminal record.

The fee for the habilitation procedure

A fee must be paid for the habilitation procedure, the amount of which is the same as the minimum wage valid at the time of application. If both the class presentation and the academic presentation (colloquium) take place in a foreign language, the processing fee is 2 times the minimum wage valid at the time of submitting the application.

Initiation, parts and evaluation of the habilitation procedure

(1) The application for the initiation of the habilitation procedure must be submitted in 5 copies and its annexes in 1 copy to the president of the EDHT. The formally inappropriate, or an incompletely submitted application must be returned to the applicant for filling in the gaps, who can withdraw the application or resubmit it at any time with the requested filling in of the gaps. The habilitation procedure is considered to have been initiated if, in possession of the formally appropriate and content-complete application, the EDHT has decided on the personnel composition of the expert committee of the procedure after requesting the proposal of the doctoral school competent in the field of study.

(2) The application can be submitted in any of the teaching languages of the university.

(3) In the habilitation application, the field of study and the discipline within it must be indicated in which the applicant requests the habilitation procedure to be conducted.

(4) Anyone who proves their activity as a university-level instructor, their ability to create curriculum, and the expected level of their scientific activity, meets the additional conditions, and proves all this creditably can request the initiation of a habilitation procedure.

Methods of proof

  • Proof of university teaching activity and curriculum development ability:

a) the textbook or notes written by the applicant;

b) the subject program and curriculum developed by him;

c) educational tasks (e.g. professional guidance).

  • Proof of scientific activity:

a) theses summarizing the main results of the scientific work and their published documents (the theses must contain a description of the main scientific results);

b) with a complete list of literary works and citations (references), based on the MTMT database;

c) by presenting outstanding professional performance;

d) in the case of management and organizational sciences, a study volume or monograph written or edited by the candidate, published in the consecutive 5 years following the award of the doctoral degree, examined in the habilitation procedure, is required;

e) in the case of management and organizational sciences, an additional requirement for studies published in scientific journals is a minimum of 12 points according to scoreboard 2.2. Under Announcements. See the Excel table.

  • Proof of presentation skills:

a) a 40-45 minute lecture in front of university students in the presence of the expert committee;

b) a 30-minute presentation in a foreign language as part of a scientific presentation, followed by a discussion with the participation of recognized experts in the field of science, in the presence of the expert committee, to prove the candidate's scientific presentation and discussion skills in a foreign language. The presented research results should reflect the continuous and measurable scientific activity until the start of the procedure.

The habilitation procedure consists of the following parts

a) preliminary habitus examination (evaluation of the submitted application), which examines the fulfillment of the application conditions; on the basis of the habilitation application that meets the formal requirements, with the agreement of the head of the professionally competent doctoral school, in addition to the supporting position of the opponents, the oral phase of the procedure can be announced by the president of the EDHT;

b) oral phase: a lecture and a scientific presentation.
The habilitation lecture is part of the curriculum of the subject announced or to be announced at the university per one lesson, which is selected by the two opponents or the chairman of the expert committee from among the 3 topic suggestions provided by the applicant. In his application for the habilitation procedure, the candidate must specifically name his chosen subject(s). The candidate must give a free lecture, readings are not allowed.
After the class presentation, anyone can ask the lecturer a question related to the topic covered in the class. The applicant proves his professional knowledge with his answers.
In the framework of the scientific presentation, the applicant presents his main scientific results in the form of a 30-minute free presentation in a foreign language. The lecture is followed by a discussion in a foreign language.

Annexes to the application for the habilitation procedure

a) university (MSc/MA) diploma,

b) doctorate (PhD) diploma,

c) an official certificate of moral character (or a substitute official certificate in the case of a foreign citizen), if he was not working in a job related to this at the time of submitting the habilitation application,

d) detailed academic biography,

e) the long-term teaching and scientific (creative) activities of the applicant, or documents properly proving its literary operation,

f) theses presenting scientific work,

g) separate copies of the 10 publications deemed most important by the applicant,

h) documents certifying the applicant's ability to create curriculum,

i) possible request for permission to conduct proceedings in a foreign language,

j) three proposals, supplemented with a lesson plan, on the topic of the lecture to be held in the public phase of the habilitation procedure, indicating which department of the university and which subject they can be included in,

k) three proposals, supplemented with a topic outline, on the topic of the scientific lecture to be held in a foreign language in the public phase of the habilitation procedure,

l) a statement that the applicant does not have a habilitation procedure in progress in the same narrower field of study, and that his habilitation application has not been rejected within 2 years (in the same narrower field of study),

m) statement of the head of the relevant doctoral school on the readiness to host,

n) statement that the applicant has the prescribed (at least 8 semesters) teaching experience in higher education,

o) receipt confirming the payment of the procedural fee,

p) written opinion (recommendation) of two internationally recognized foreign authorities,

q) calculation of points according to the annex to prove that the candidate's performance reaches the minimum required level,

r) in the case of management and organizational sciences, the study volume or monograph written or edited by the candidate and published within 5 years must also be submitted.

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