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About Sopron

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Sopron_cimer_k.jpgSopron is a picturesque little city in Western Hungary. It is situated 220 km from the Hungarian capital Budapest and about 60 km from the Austrian capital Vienna. Due to its border situation, Sopron has been a meeting point of different cultures, which is apparent in the architecture of the inner city, which combines western European and Hungarian elements.

Sopron is surrounded by the foothills of the Alps, thus it is characterized by a beautiful hilly landscape, which is ideal for outdoor activities like jogging, mountain biking and hiking. Central Europe’s largest endorheic lake, Lake Neusiedl is also very close to the city. For more detailed information about Sopron, please visit >>

The Lőverek is a hilly area south of the city with calm forests with spruces, oaks and chestnuts, lilies of the valley and cyclaments, hiking paths and lookout towers. The main Campus of the University of West Hungary can be found there. The Faculty of Economics however is located more centrally, near the historical old town.


Short history

Sopron (Hungarian ponunciation [ˈʃopron]) is a city in Hungary on the Austrian border, near the Lake Neusiedl/Lake Fertő. When the area that is today Western Hungary was a province of the Roman Empire, a city called Scarbantia stood here. Its forum was located where the main square of Sopron can be found today. During the 16th-19th centuries while the Ottomans occupied most of Central Europe, the region north of lake Balaton remained in the Kingdom of Hungary (1538–1867). In 1676, Sopron was destroyed by a fire. The modern-day city was born in the next few decades, when Baroque buildings were built to replace the destroyed medieval ones. Sopron suffered greatly during World War II, it was bombed several times. The Soviet Red Army captured the city on April 1, 1945. During the Socialist era, the government tried to turn Sopron into an industrial city, but much of the medieval town center remains, allowing the city to remain an attractive site for tourists.



Situated close to the Austrian border, Sopron receives many visitors from Vienna (70 kilometres away), and from Bratislava, Slovakia (77 km away).
Sopron is a significant wine producing region, one of the few in Hungary to make both red and white wines.
Sopron and the Fertő area have surprises for people of all ages and with all interests. Believers in active recreation can visit the Sopron Park Forest. It has over 220 km of trails (many of them ideal for jogging), over 15 viewpoints and rest and memorial places. The beaches at the Lake Fertő are great for doing water sports. You can also ride your bicycle around the lake on well developed bike-paths. The Europe-wide famous VOLT Festival (music festival) is also here.

Please visit the official website of Sopron. Here you will find everything about the town, from sights to outdoor activities, form cultural events to gastronomy.
Hope to see you soon among our students!


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University of Sopron
Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics

HU-9400 Sopron, Erzsébet st., No. 9.



Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES PhD


E-mail: szeles.zsuzsanna@uni-sopron.hu
Phone: +36 99 518-937




International Vice Dean

E-mail: vancso.judit@uni-sopron.hu
Phone: +36 99 518-447



Hajnalka TAMASI

Academic Advisor

E-mail: tamasi.hajnalka@uni-sopron.hu
Phone: +36 99 518-726
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Selmec Traditions

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Selmecbánya, 1846Selmecbanya.jpg

Recently, more and more interest has been shown for the traditions of Selmec by the students of the University of Sopron, Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, and not only for the formalities, but also for their noble ideas. Basically it is all about helping each other, introducing newbies to the new lifestyle, helping the ones in need, and the sense of belonging together later in life, too, with all carrying positive impacts and benefits even for long after the university years. Beside these ideas, joy and cheerfulness also have their place – of course, in well-mannered ways only.  

Dr. Cecília KARNER

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About Hungary

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Hungary_map.jpgOfficial name: Hungary

Area: 93 030 km2

Population: 9 900 000

Neighbouring countries: Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia

Official language: Hungarian

State form: Parliamentary republic

Capital and largest city:Budapest (population: 1 700 000)

Other large cities: Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, Pécs, Győr

Currency: Forint (HUF)

Time zone: CET (GMT +1)

Major rivers: River Danube (417 km), River Tisza (597 km)

Largest lakes: Lake Balaton, Lake Velence

Highest point above sea level: Kékes (1014 m) in the Mátra Hills

State administration:

  • The President of the country, elected by the National Assembly every 5 years, has a largely ceremonial role, he represents the nation’s unity and safeguards the democratic functioning of state administration.
  • The Prime Minister selects cabinet ministers and has the exclusive right to dismiss them. Each cabinet nominee must be formally approved by the president.
  • The unicameral, 386-member National Assembly is the highest organ of state authority and it initiates and approves legislation sponsored by the Prime Minister. National parliamentary elections are held every 4 years. A party must win at least 5% of the national vote to form a parliamentary group.

Hungary is a member of OECD, NATO, EU and a Schengen state.
Administratively, Hungary is divided into 19 counties with the capital city of Budapest being independent of any county government.
Hungary is one of the 15 most popular tourist destinations in the world with a capital regarded as one of the most beautiful cities. Despite its relatively small size, the country is home to numerous World Heritage Sites, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, the second largest thermal lake in the world (Lake Hévíz), the largest lake in Central Europe (Lake Balaton), and the largest natural grassland in Europe (Hortobágy).

Source: Tempus Public Foundation


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Useful information about Hungary

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Money and currency

The currency in Hungary is Hungarian Forint = HUF or Ft. One EUR is about 360 HUF depending on the daily course. We have banknotes for amounts of 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 and 20000 – some exist in two different colours as new banknotes are being launched. There are six different coins for Forint: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200. Just for your information: in restaurants when you are satisfied with the service, the staff would be happy if they get a tip about 10-15% from the bill’s amount. Also it might be, that the service is already included in the bill.

Costs of living

Due to it’s geographical location, situating nearly to the Austrian border, you have to expect to a higher costs of living than in other Hungarian cities of similar size. The higher prices pertain first of all to the prices of the rented rooms (around 100.000 HUF for a private flat and 45.000 HUF for a shared flat). The dormitories for students in Sopron applies more friendly prices (around 20.000 HUF/month/person).

You can have lunch at prices starting from 800 Ft in several local restaurants with lunch menu.

For other details please check the website: studyinhungary.hu.

You may buy a monthly ticket for the local buses for 2.200 Ft, but since the dormitories are not situated near the route of frequent bus-lines, students prefer to buy a second-hand bicycle at the beginning of their stay in Sopron. You will reach almost everywhere in town in 10-15 minutes by bike.

About the weather

Four_seasons.jpgWhat about the weather? What to expect?

The climate of Hungary can be described as typical continental with warm, dry summers and cold winters. January is the coldest month with daytime temperatures usually around zero, but for a few week it can be very cold, with temperatures far below zero (-10-15°C). Heavy snowfalls are also possible. In summer the daytime temperatures reaches 20-25°C but sometimes quite higher than 30°C. In the summertime mostly we have dry weather, although sometimes heavy thunderstorms can occur at the end of the day. July is the warmest month with an average temperature of 22°C.Generally, the weather is best in May-September, when days are warm and the nights are cool, although it rains more in spring than in the summertime. Autumn and winter are usually a little chilly and wet, sometimes snowy and often foggy, especially in the mountainous regions.

Required clothing

Lightweight cottons and linens during summer months; an umbrella or raincoat is advised for local showers. Warmer rainwear and warm coats are needed during the winter months. A sweater may be needed even in the summer in the evening hours. We would like to recommend you to bring warm winter clothes, a coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots or buy them here. Buying them is not a problem as we have several clothing shops in and around the city.

The Hungarian Language

Hungarian is a unique language, as nobody else speaks it besides the Hungarian. We have a connection to the Finnish people, as Finnish and Hungarian are Finno-Ugric languages, but we do not understand each other. In Sopron people rather speak German as foreign language – just because Austria is very near. Young people speak English – but they are very shy to speak, so keep on trying!

Business hours

Shops are generally open from Monday to Sunday 10 am to 8 pm. Offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Please look after the National Holidays and other terms for holidays!


The electricity in Hungary is 220-240 V, 50 Hz. Electric plugs need two round prongs. They can be ungrounded Europlug Type C or the grounded Schoku plug Type E/F.

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International Relations

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Donau Universität Krems – Universität für Weiterbildung

Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH – Fachhochschul-Studienzentrum, Eisenstadt

Institut der Regionen Europas, Salzburg


VIVES University College, Kortrijk


Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou


Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula

University of Zagrab (Sveučilište u Zagrebu), Zagreb (Zágráb)

Czech Republic

Masaryk University, Brno

Mendel University, Brno


Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu), Seinäjoki

Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta


Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Alfter bei Bonn

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management, Essen

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht, Berlin

Trier University of Applied Sciences, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Birkenfeld

Hochschule Kempten, Kempten (Allgäu)


Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Institute of Technology, Kavala


Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli


BA School of Business and Finance, Riga


Tecnológico de Monterrey, Chihuahua


Fontys Internationale Hogeschool Economie, Venlo


University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki), Bydgoszcz

Katowice School of Economics, Katowice


ISCAC – Coimbra Business School


Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Universitatea Sapientia Facultatea De Ştiinţe Economice şi Umaniste), Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc)


Omsk F. M. Dostoevsky State University, Omszk


University of Novi Sad (Universitet u Novom Sadu), Szabadka (Novi Sad)

Slovak Republic

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovenská Polnohospodárska Univerzita v Nitre), Nitra

University of Economics in Bratislava, Bratislava


University of Maribor, Maribor


University of Girona (Universitat de Girona), Girona

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E-conom Online Scientific Journal

Journal of Economy & Society


The Publication Repository is a database containing full texts of works (such as studies, articles, monographs, scientific works, etc.) resulting from scientific and artistic activities at the University of Sopron, as well as university publications (journals, studies and conference volumes). Works that have already been recorded in the MTMT can be uploaded to the Publication Repository in PDF format. For the same work, not only the published version but also its pre-print and/or post-print versions can be uploaded, with their visibility set independently for each document.

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Lámfalussy Research Center

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The Lámfalussy Research Center was established in 2021 as an independent department to coordinate research activities at the Faculty.

In line with the University’s fundamental vision, the mission of the Research Center is to extend and deepen research activities in the spirit of sustainability and green university. The University of Sopron and the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics want to be recognized as a university of excellence in sustainability. It is necessary to support and strengthen research activities along the lines of the expected specialization by exploring new possibilities and solutions and by shaping attitudes. Additionally, it is important to encourage the implementation of practical research, research responding to market needs, targeted research, as well as applied research in addition to purely basic research. The Lámfalussy Research Center aims to increase the intellectual presence of the Faculty in national and international science scenes by providing value-added and competitive knowledge, along with offering science management services to its colleagues.

The Research Center actively cooperates with the Institutes and participates in the activities of the Doctoral School and the Scientific Students’ Council, although the scientific tasks are shared between the different departments.

The focus of the Center’s activities:

  • defining the Faculty’s research strategy and setting long-term research directions;
  • encouraging participation in research and development applications;
  • increasing internal and external scientific cooperation: exploring the links between the Institutes and the Faculties, between national and international research goals while aligning them with individual research objectives;
  • registering and coordinating the scientific activities of teaching and research colleagues and PhD students to maximize synergy effects, and encourage co-authored publications;
  • improving the visibility and recognition of teaching and research colleagues and PhD students, and helping to increase publication in internationally refereed journals;
  • developing research methodological skills, integrating them into talent management, and organizing short research methodology courses for students and colleagues;
  • enhancing market cooperation: encouraging practical research while supporting the production of scientific knowledge, and supporting the work of experts;
  • setting up cooperation agreements and research teams with national universities and research centers;
  • joining international research networks;
  • supporting the Faculty’s third mission activities.
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Conference on the Occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival

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MTU-logo-2023_eng.pngInternational Scientific Conference – 2023


Thursday, 23 November 2023, Sopron

The University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (SOE LKK) and ”For the Higher Education at Sopron Foundation” are organizing its traditional International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival on 23 November 2023.

We are organizing our conference in the hope of meeting you in person, but we are also extending the possibility of online participation.


Title of the Conference:
Sustainability Transitions: Challenges and Innovative Solutions



  • University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics,
  • For the Higher Education at Sopron Foundation.



University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (H-9400 Sopron, Erzsébet street 9.) 


Plenary lecturers and title of their presentation in English:

  • Dr. István P. SZÉKELY Principal Advisor (DG ECFIN, European Commission, Brussels), Honorary Professor (Corvinus University of Budapest): How to Make European Integration Fair and Sustainable?
  • Dr. habil. Alexandra KÖVES Associate Professor (Corvinus University of Budapest), Vice-President of the European Society for Ecological Economics: Ecological Economics: The Deep-Green Shade of Sustainability Transitions
  • Dr. habil. Balázs István TÓTH Associate Professor, Director of the Lamfalussy Research Centre (SOE LKK): The Multifaceted Nature of Sustainability: From Sustainability (Sustained) Development To Sustainability Transitions

Conference Chairperson:

  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES Professor, Dean of the of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (SOE LKK).


Scientific Committee:


  • Prof. Dr. Csilla OBÁDOVICS Professor, Head of the István Széchenyi Doctoral School (SOE LKK).


  • Dr. habil. Balázs István TÓTH Associate Professor, Director of the Lamfalussy Research Centre (SOE LKK).


  • Prof. Dr. Attila FÁBIÁN Professor, Rector of the University of Sopron (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. Csaba SZÉKELY Professor Emeritus (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. László KULCSÁR Professor Emeritus (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. László SZALAY Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. Clemens JÄGER Professor, Dean (FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, Essen, Germany), Honorary Professor (SOE);
  • Prof. Dr. Alfreda ŠAPKAUSKIENĖ Professor (Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Lithuania);
  • Dr. habil. Aranka BARANYI Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Zoltán POGÁTSA Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Zoltán SZABÓ Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Árpád Ferenc PAPP-VÁRY Senior Research Fellow (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Rudolf KUCHARČÍK Associate Professor, Dean (University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations, Slovakia).


Organizing Committee:


  • Dr. Richárd RESPERGER Assistant Professor (SOE LKK).


  • Dr. Gábor KERESZTES Associate Professor, Vice Dean (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Eva JANČÍKOVÁ Associate Professor (University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations, Slovakia);
  • Dr. habil. László KOLOSZÁR Associate Professor, Director of Institute (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Mónika HOSCHEK Associate Professor, Director of Institute (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Judit PAPP-VANCSÓ Associate Professor, Director of Institute (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Károly SZÓKA Associate Professor (SOE LKK).


  • Dorka NEMÉNY Research Assistant (SOE LKK).


Planned topics/sessions:

  • Natural resources, green economy, circular economy, bioeconomy;
  • Environmental economics, ecological economics, organic farming;
  • Sustainable economy and management;
  • Finance, accounting, sustainable finance;
  • Tourism and marketing, sustainable tourism;
  • Global and regional aspects of sustainable development;
  • Social challenges and innovations in sustainable development;
  • Methodological challenges of sustainable development.


Schedule of the conference:




Opening, greeting


Plenary Session


Lunch Break


Parallel Sessions


The submitted and accepted abstracts will be published in an electronic publication with ISBN and DOI (abstract booklet).

The submitted, peer-reviewed papers will be published in an electronic publication with ISBN and a unique DOI (conference proceedings).

After the peer-review process, the high-level papers will be published in the “Journal of Economy and Society” or “E-conom” journal of the Faculty.


Official languages of the conference: Hungarian, English and German.


Conference participation fee (only one participation fee has to be paid in case of a multiple author oral presentation/poster):

  • personal attendance: 150 EUR (incl. VAT)
  • online participation: 100 EUR (incl. VAT)

In case of cancellation we do not refund the conference participation fee.

The conference fee includes participation in the conference, organizational costs, publication costs, and in the case of personal attendance, lunch, coffee and refreshments.


Important dates:

  • Registration deadline: November 3, 2023. Extended registration deadline: November 10, 2023.
  • Abstract submission ends: November 10, 2023.
  • Payment deadline: November 20, 2023.
  • Conference date: November 23, 2023.
  • Publication date of the abstract booklet: November 23, 2023.
  • Paper submission deadline: January 3, 2024.
  • Peer-review process: January – February, 2024.
  • Publication date of the conference proceedings: March 15, 2024.


If you wish to participate in the conference, please complete the online application form no later than 10 November 2023.

Online registration: https://forms.office.com/e/Ne90KVRqhr


All interested persons are welcome to attend our conference.


The event is public and is open to the press. Photo, sound and video recordings will take place at the conference.


The sponsors of the conference:



Program and Abstract Booklet (electronic publication with ISBN and DOI) (pdf)
Download Plenary Presentations (zip) 
Submitted posters for the conference (Poster Session)
Conference Schedule and Sessions (pdf)
Invitation to the Conference (pdf)
Call for Papers (pdf)
Formal requirements for abstract (pdf)
Formal requirements for poster (pdf)
Formal requirements for paper (pdf)
Data Protection Guide of the conference (pdf)


The University
Accommodations, reservations, hotels
Sopron – Sights, Countryside

ugrás az oldal tetejére

Conference on the Occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival 2024

ugrás az oldal tetejére

MTU-logo-2023_eng.pngInternational Scientific Conference – 2024


Thursday, 7 November 2024, Sopron


The University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (SOE LKK) and ”For the Higher Education in Sopron Foundation” are organizing its traditional International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival on 7 November 2024.

We are organizing our conference in the hope of meeting you in person, but we are also extending the possibility of online participation.


Title of the Conference:

Sustainability Transitions – Innovation Ecosystems – Digital Solutions



  • University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics,
  • For the Higher Education in Sopron Foundation.



University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (H-9400 Sopron, Erzsébet Street 9.) 


Plenary lecturers:

  • waiting for confirmation


Conference Chairperson:

  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES Professor, Dean of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics (SOE LKK).


Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Dr. Attila FÁBIÁN Professor (SOE LKK), Rector of the University of Sopron;
  • Prof. Dr. László KULCSÁR Professor Emeritus (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. Csilla OBÁDOVICS Professor, Head of Doctoral School (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. László SZALAY Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. Csaba SZÉKELY Professor Emeritus (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES Professor, Dean (SOE LKK);
  • Prof. Dr. Clemens JÄGER Professor, Dean (FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, Essen, Germany), Honorary Professor (SOE);
  • Prof. Dr. Alfreda ŠAPKAUSKIENĖ Professor (Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Lithuania);
  • Dr. habil. Aranka BARANYI Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Árpád Ferenc PAPP-VÁRY Senior Research Fellow (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Zoltán POGÁTSA Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Zoltán SZABÓ Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. Balázs István TÓTH Associate Professor, Director of the Lamfalussy Research Centre (SOE LKK).
  • Dr. habil. Eva JANČÍKOVÁ Associate Professor (University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations, Slovakia);
  • Dr. Rudolf KUCHARČÍK Associate Professor, Dean (University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations, Slovakia).


Organizing Committee:

  • Dr. Gábor KERESZTES Associate Professor, Vice Dean (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Judit PAPPNÉ VANCSÓ Associate Professor, Director of Institute, Vice Dean (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Mónika HOSCHEK Associate Professor, Director of Institute (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. habil. László KOLOSZÁR Associate Professor, Director of Institute (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. István BARTÓK Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Nikoletta NÉMETH Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Károly SZÓKA Associate Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Katalin DIÓSSI Assistant Professor (SOE LKK);
  • Dr. Richárd RESPERGER Assistant Professor (SOE LKK).


Planned topics/sessions:

  • Natural resources, green economy, circular economy, bioeconomy;
  • Environmental economics, ecological economics, organic farming;
  • Sustainable economy and management;
  • Financial and accounting issues in sustainable economic decisions;
  • Tourism and marketing, sustainable tourism;
  • Global and regional aspects of sustainable development;
  • Social challenges and innovations in sustainable development;
  • Methodological challenges of sustainable development.


Schedule of the conference:




Opening, greeting


Plenary Presentations


Lunch Break


Parallel Sessions


The submitted and accepted abstracts will be published in an electronic publication with ISBN and DOI (abstract booklet).

The submitted, peer-reviewed papers will be published in an electronic publication with ISBN and a unique DOI (conference proceedings).

After the peer-review process, the high-level papers will be published in the “Journal of Economy and Society” or “E-conom” journal of the Faculty.


Official languages of the conference: English, German and Hungarian.


Conference participation fee* (only one participation fee has to be paid in case of a multiple author oral presentation/poster):

  • personal attendance: 150 EUR (incl. VAT)
  • online participation: 100 EUR (incl. VAT)

For foreign participants (not from a Hungarian institutions). Participants from Hungary: personal - gross 34.290 HUF, online - gross 25.400 HUF.

In case of cancellation we do not refund the conference participation fee.

The conference fee includes attendance at the conference, organizational and publication costs, and publication in the conference materials. In case of personal attendance, it includes the conference package, coffee and refreshments. Lunch is not included.

The total participation fee includes VAT of 21.26%.

Lunch: we don’t provide lunch at the conference, but there are two restaurants nearby (Deák Restaurant, Perkovátz-House). You can find information about the daily offers, menu card, and table booking on the restaurants' websites.


Important dates:

  • Registration deadline: October 18, 2024
  • Abstract submission ends: October 25, 2024
  • Payment deadline: November 5, 2024
  • Conference date: November 7, 2024
  • Publication date of the abstract booklet: November 7, 2024
  • Paper submission deadline: December 2, 2024
  • Peer-review process: December, 2024 – February, 2025
  • Publication date of the conference proceedings: March 15, 2025


If you wish to participate in the conference, please complete the online application form no later than 18 October 2024.


Online registration: you can find here


Contact person: Dr. Richárd RESPERGER, email address: resperger.richard@uni-sopron.hu


All interested persons are welcome to attend our conference.


The event is public and is open to the press. Photo, sound and video recordings will take place at the conference.


Call for Papers (pdf)

Formal requirements for abstract (pdf)

Formal requirements for poster (pdf)

Formal requirements for paper (pdf)

Data Protection Guide of the conference (pdf)


The University

About the Faculty

Sopron - Sights, Countryside







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Tartalomjegyzék Fel