
Gyengénlátó Változat
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Those who are interested in preparing for a language exam or already possess a language certificate can find some useful information at https://nyak.oh.gov.hu/default-eng.asp about all things related to 
  • basic definitions of language exams in Hungary
  • language centres in Hungary
  • exam systems
  • language search
  • oral, written and complex certificates
  • the Hungarian nationalisation procedure (if you have a foreign certificate)
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In Hungary all students in higher education are required to have a foreign language certificate (or certificates, depending on the course of study or the type of institution they attend), to earn a diploma or a degree.

In Hungary ITK ORIGO is considered the oldest and most reliable language examination. The Budapest-based language centre is an independent non-profit institution under the auspices of Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE). Its profile is general bilingual exams, but monolingual examinations in certain languages such as Esperanto or Hungarian as a second language, are also in its scope. It has a nationwide network of administering examinations in 30 languages.

The Foreign Language Centre of the University of West Hungary in Sopron has been an accredited centre of ITK ORIGO general state examinations since 1990. Sopron offers 6 exam times a year.
At the Sopron centre you can take oral and written examinations in English and German on levels B1, B2, C1.
It is possible to take written examinations in any language included in the ITK ORIGO scheme .

Advantages of ITK ORIGO:
With the exception of the oral test, you can use either bilingual or monolingual dictionaries during the written exam. You can get a certificate either for a successful oral (A) or written (B) exam separately, or you can have a combined exam (C), that is oral and written combined.
The examination fees are lower than those of other general language examination systems.

ITK ORIGO samples of written exams (with solutions) see HERE.

For further information and details on ITK ORIGO see http://www.itk.hu/index.php?id=32&lang=eng

Application forms are available at the Secretary’s Office of The Foreign Language Centre as well as at any other ITK ORIGO language examination centre in the country. Application forms can also be sent by mail.

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ÖSD - Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch

ÖSD (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch) is an Austrian Language Certificate. The ÖSD is a non-profit association with an advisory board which cooperates closely with universities, professional associations, language schools and responsible governmental departments as well as other relevant organisations in Austria.
At the moment, more than 20,000 exams take place worldwide per year in about 300 licensed examination centres. The Foreign Language Centre of the University of Sopron in Sopron is a licensed examination centre of ÖSD Central Office, Vienna.

What are the benefits of having an ÖSD language exam?

If you want to work or study in Austria, ÖSD language competence certificate is the most competitive proof of your knowledge recognised by the Austrian authorities.
In the range of the written examination systems, ÖSD is the only monolingual exam where use of a dictionary is permitted.
ÖSD also offers exams for children.

For more information, visit www.osd.at or contact madaras.barbara@uni-sopron.hu

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ZÖLD ÚT (GREEN WAY) is a bilingual language examination for special terminologies used in economics, agriculture and technology. The exams are accredited and recognised in Hungary.

ZÖLD ÚT, which is based out of the Szent István University in Gödöllő, has 19 accredited examination centres. In 2008 the Foreign Language Centre in Sopron became one of these accredited examination centres.

To get their BA or BSc degrees, students of economics in Hungary are required to have a special language certificate in the subject. Students studying agricultural sciences need a language exam in agricultural topics. The Foreign Language Centre provides courses and examinations in English and German at B2, C1 levels for students of economics, and examinations in agriculture for students of agricultural studies.

Since 2010 students of the Faculty of Engineering, Wood Sciences, and Applied Arts at the University of  Sopron have the opportunity to take special language exams in technology at the Foreign Language Centre in Sopron.

What are the main advantages of the ZÖLD ÚT language exam?

You can prepare for and take the exam in the same location. You are familiar with the requirements of the exam and the location where you will take it.
High success rate for exams.
Lowest of all examination fees.

For further information visit the official homepage of the language exam https://zoldut.uni-mate.hu/

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For informations about TELC please visit https://telc.hu/en/


Timetable for exams in Sopron.

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Language trainings for individuals

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The Foreign Language Centre is pleased to offer language courses for individual language learners in English, German and Hungarian at all levels. Our one-to-one lessons are customised to our clients' special needs, purposes and interests. For more information do not hesitate to contact us at inyk@uni-sopron.hu

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