
Gyengénlátó Változat
Útvonal|16|en_GB|Kapcsolódó tartalmakhoz|Faculties|FACULTY OF FORESTRY category
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Faculty of Forestry

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uni-sopron-image-emk-01.jpgThroughout its history, the Faculty of Forestry has consciously and successfully combined the preservation of tradition with continuous adaptation to the needs and expectations of the era. By working on this basis, it has gained international recognition. It has the  capacity needed for research that reaches the international standard, with the expected human and material resources.

The faculty conducts a wide range of domestic and international research cooperation that welcomes the challenges and needs of the profession and the partner companies.

The faculty consistently professes and applies the principle that high-quality research is a prerequisite for quality education, in which students and PhD students play important roles. The Roth Gyula Doctoral School of Forestry and Wildlife Management Sciences is the custodian of higher-level knowledge. Its international and nationally renowned scientific workshops employ many young lecturers, researchers, PhD students and scientific students, ensuring the supply of a scientific workforce. The Faculty of Forestry is actively involved in the development of the country’s forestry policy. It performs successful tender activities and extensive science service provider activities.

The faculty’s existing and constantly evolving intellectual, material, financial resources and the commitment of its staff guarantee that the Faculty of Forestry will remain on a sustainable development path in the future. In recent years, our long-established institution has developed a new infrastructure that meets twenty-first-century requirements: new lecture halls, dormitories, a student hotel, research bases and modern laboratories. Lake Neusiedl Water Park, several sports clubs, an indoor swimming pool, and the horse farm in Nagycenk are at are available to students for leisure time activities. In addition, the ancient student city of Sopron’s cultural values and programmes, its wonderful surroundings and a range of sights and programmes in Austria that can be reached in less than half an hour make student life in Sopron attractive and memorable.

Scholarships abroad open up many opportunities for students, mainly in Europe and beyond, e.g. North America. In addition to learning about other professional, educational and cultural backgrounds, students can acquire or deepen their foreign language skills and get to know fellow students with similar interests from other countries.

The Faculty adapts flexibly to the changes of the present, providing practice-oriented training and marketable, applicable knowledge in all fields of science and specialization. Young people who graduate here can usually find a job within three to six months.


_DSC4927-2.jpg“Serving nature and the environment through education and research.”

Dr. habil Bálint Heil dean

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MSc in Environmental Engineering

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General information
Duration of the course: 4 semesters
Tuition fee: 2750 USD / semester
Study mode: full time
Intake: September/February
Application period - self financed:

September intake: mid April - mid May

February intake: mid October - end of November

Application period - Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship:

mid November - mid January 

(September intake only)

Language of Instruction: English
Faculty: Faculty of Forestry



Education goals

The program objective is to train environmental engineers to obtain up-to-date scientific, ecological, engineering, economic, and management knowledge that will enable them to identify and assess existing and potential environmental threats, prevent or reduce environmental damage, and prepare and manage damage control projects. Graduates will be able to provide complex engineering and scientific design and analytical procedures based on their up-to-date knowledge of informatics with the help of design, modelling, and simulation software. They will also learn to set out and apply adequate technological solutions to prevent environmental pollution and to provide engineering design and managing tasks in the field of waste processing and recycling. Graduates will be able to optimize environmental technologies and environmental impacts. Graduates may continue their studies in the doctoral program.

Curriculum of the Environmental Engineering MSc programme

Course Eval-
name type* lecture practice
First semester
Environmental Ecology A E 4 2  1
Environmental Fluid Mechanics  A MTG 3  1  2
Geographyc Information Systems  A E  3  1  2
Environmental Chemistry  A E 4  2  1
Landscape History  A MTG  3  2  0
English for Special Purposes: Environmental Engineering I K S  0  2
Elective  (see below) B     7     
C  3
Second semester
Eco-Energetics A MTG  3  2  1
Environmental Impact Assessment and Performance Evaluation A E  4  2  1
Global Environmental Systems  A E  3  2  0
Chemometrics A E 4  2  2
Remote Sensing for Environmental Applications A E  3  1  1
English for Special Purposes: Environmental Engineering II K S  0  0
Elective  (see below) B     7     
C  3
Third semester
Landscape Management and Protection  A MTG 4  1  2
Climate Risk Assessment  A E  4  2  1
Applied Environmental Statistics  A MTG  2  0  2
Treatment Wetlands  A MTG  2  1  1
Complex Project Work B MTG  6  1  2
Thesis Writing  B MTG  15  0  2
Professional Practice  K S  
Fourth semester
Ecotoxicology A E  3  2  0
European Environmental Law and Politics A E 3 2 0
Environmental and Quality Management Systems A MTG 3 2 0
Environmental Modelling A MTG 3 1 2
Biological Survey and Monitoring A MTG 3 1 1
Life Cycle Assessment A MTG 3 1 1
Thesis Writing B MTG 15 0  
Elective courses
Landscape and Rural Development B MTG 3 2 0
Water Resources Engineering B MTG 4 1 2
Analytical Chemistry B MTG 4 2 1
Antioxidants in Natural Environment B MTG 3 2 0
Applied Soil Science B MTG 3 1 1
Soil Protection and Conservation B MTG 3 1 1
Agroforestry for Sustainability B MTG 3 2 0
Principles of Forest Protection B MTG 4 2 1
Protected Forests B MTG 4 1 3
Invasion Biology C MTG 3 2 1
Biotechnological Techniques of Waste Management C MTG 3 2 0
Project Management C MTG 3 2 0

*Course type: A = compulsory, B = elective in engineering fild, C = elective, K = criteria (no credit)
†Evaluation: E = exam, MTG = mid-term grade, S = signature


ugrás az oldal tetejére

MSc in Geobioinformatics

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General information
Duration of the course: 2 semesters
Tuition fee: 2750 USD / semester
Study mode: full time
Intake: September
Application period - self financed:

September intake: mid April - mid May

Application period - Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship:

mid November 2025 - mid January 2026

Language of Instruction: English
Faculty: Faculty of Forestry



Education goals

uni-sopron-geobioinformatics-3-simang-champramary.jpgThe programme aims to recognise and exploit the knowledge of biology, computer science, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), bioinformatics, and the synergies between the four disciplines. It also aims to transfer the latest knowledge in geoinformatics and bioinformatics, analyse actual geographical and biological data, and scientifically explore their relationships. Completion of this programme allows students to continue their studies at the PhD level.

Detailed description

Students will learn the basics of modern molecular biology applications, gain insights into bioinformatics, combine and draw conclusions from validated bioinformatics and geospatial data, supervise data processing, machine learning, and visualisation methods, and master the necessary software management. Ultimately, they can build models for characterising biological systems by adequately interpreting the informatics data.


This graduate program aims to train biologists and informaticians to gain theoretical and practical skills in analysing geographical and biological data and combine them into timely structured biological processes involved in forestry, agriculture, nature conservation and human disease-related epidemics.

Key competences provided

In addition to providing a sound methodological basis for the use of modern biological and geospatial applications, the programme addresses the key aspects of analysing the meaning of the biological data and combining it with current geographical information to provide up-to-date monitoring of the health and disease-related trends in nature and the human environment.

Main subejcts

Molecular biology, Methodology of modern molecular biological applications, IT basics and databases, Data analysis and visualization, GIS, Introduction to bioinformatics, Biological applications of bioinformatics, Sequence and structural bioinformatics, Machine learning, Remote sensing, Latest updates in bioinformatics research, Management and publications

Career opportunities

Researcher, analyst, academic career, multinational companies


BA/BSc diploma from Biology, Chemistry or Informatics

Related scientific publications

The list of related scientific publications is available here.

Curriculum of the Geobioinformatics MSc programme


Course Type1



Lecture (hours/week)

Lab (hours/week)

First semester


Modern molecular biology






Management and publication






IT basics and databases






Data analysis and visualization












Introduction to Bioinformatics













Second semester


Biological applications of bioinformatics






Machine learning






Remote sensing






Sequence and structural bioinformatics






Latest bioinformatics research






Master's thesis






Optional subject











1 Course type: A = compulsory, B = elective in engineering field, C = elective, K = criteria (no credit)

2 Evaluation: E = exam, MTG = mid-term grade, S = signature

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ugrás az oldal tetejére

MSc in Nature Conservation Engineering

ugrás az oldal tetejére
General information
Duration of the course: 4 semesters
Tuition fee: 2750 USD / semester
Study mode: full time
Intake: September/February
Application period - self financed:

September intake: mid April - mid May

February intake: mid October - end of November

Application period - Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship:

mid November - mid January 

(September intake only)

Language of Instruction: English
Faculty: Faculty of Forestry



Education goals

The program objective is to train nature conservation engineers with ability to plan, organize and manage the general and special tasks of nature conservation on international level. They vindicate the nature conservation principles and regulations efficiently with application of acquired theoretical knowledge. Graduates may continue their studies in the doctoral program.

Curriculum of the Environmental Engineering MSc program

Course Eval-
name type* lecture practice
First semester
Environmental Ecology A E 4 2  1
Environmental Fluid Mechanics  A MTG 3  1  2
Geographyc Information Systems  A E  3  1  2
Environmental Chemistry  A E 4  2  1
Landscape History  A MTG  3  2  0
English for Special Purposes: Environmental Engineering I K S  0  2
Elective  (see below) B     7     
C  3
Second semester
Eco-Energetics A MTG  3  2  1
Environmental Impact Assessment and Performance Evaluation A E  4  2  1
Global Environmental Systems  A E  3  2  0
Chemometrics A E 4  2  2
Remote Sensing for Environmental Applications A E  3  1  1
English for Special Purposes: Environmental Engineering II K S  0  0
Elective  (see below) B     7     
C  3
Third semester
Landscape Management and Protection  A MTG 4  1  2
Climate Risk Assessment  A E  4  2  1
Applied Environmental Statistics  A MTG  2  0  2
Treatment Wetlands  A MTG  2  1  1
Complex Project Work B MTG  6  1  2
Thesis Writing  B MTG  15  0  2
Professional Practice  K S  
Fourth semester
Ecotoxicology A E  3  2  0
European Environmental Law and Politics A E 3 2 0
Environmental and Quality Management Systems A MTG 3 2 0
Environmental Modelling A MTG 3 1 2
Biological Survey and Monitoring A MTG 3 1 1
Life Cycle Assessment A MTG 3 1 1
Thesis Writing B MTG 15 0  
Elective courses
Landscape and Rural Development B MTG 3 2 0
Water Resources Engineering B MTG 4 1 2
Analytical Chemistry B MTG 4 2 1
Antioxidants in Natural Environment B MTG 3 2 0
Applied Soil Science B MTG 3 1 1
Soil Protection and Conservation B MTG 3 1 1
Agroforestry for Sustainability B MTG 3 2 0
Principles of Forest Protection B MTG 4 2 1
Protected Forests B MTG 4 1 3
Invasion Biology C MTG 3 2 1
Biotechnological Techniques of Waste Management C MTG 3 2 0
Project Management C MTG 3 2 0

*Course type: A = compulsory, B = elective in engineering fild, C = elective, K = criteria (no credit)
†Evaluation: E = exam, MTG = mid-term grade, S = signature

ugrás az oldal tetejére

PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management

ugrás az oldal tetejére

PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management


About Roth Gyula Doctoral School

The Roth Gyula Doctoral School of Forestry and Wildlife Management Sciences was established in 1993. The accreditation renewal was completed in 2008 by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, and its courses were authorized.

The school is named after Gyula Roth (1873-1961), the distinguished Hungarian professor of forestry and wildlife management. He was the head of the Department of Sylviculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture. The professor was Vice-President, then Honorary President of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).

The Doctoral School has eight PhD programmes which encompass all the branches and interfaces of forestry and wildlife management sciences. The core members are from the Faculty of Forestry and the Forest Research Institute (ERTI), but a number of subjects are taught by other faculties of the University: (Faculty of Wood Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences), the Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), the Hungarian Museum of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment and Water and national parks.

Education and research at the Doctoral School are pursued in the basic and applied sciences, related to forests, wildlife, and nature. It is the only doctoral school in Hungary, where all the personnel and material conditions are provided for an independent doctoral school in these areas of science.

This wide spectrum of studies makes it possible that a wide range of students are addressed and received in the PhD programmes for foresters, environmentalists, horticulturists, ecological engineers, agricultural engineers (including economic, environmental, rural development, and mechanical courses), landscape designers, veterinarians, applied zoologists, biologists, biology teachers, etc. The students have a well-equipped infrastructure, laboratories, research stations supporting field work, rich collections, institutional and central libraries. The university library is also the National Forestry Library in Hungary.

Doctoral students can visit foreign research institutions and participate in international and national research cooperation through the international connections of the institutes. The knowledge and the degree gained at the Doctoral School are a good reference when applying for leading positions in higher education institutions, research institutes, forestry, wildlife management and conservation.

The Head of the Doctoral School is Prof. Sándor Faragó, DSc (Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). The running of the school is assisted by 9 members of the PhD Council.


Parameters of PhD programme

General information
Duration of the course: 4+4 semesters
Tuition fee: 1850 USD / semester
Study mode: full time
Intake: September
Application period - self financed:

September intake: mid April - mid May

Application period - Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship:

mid November - mid January 

Language of Instruction: English
Faculty: Faculty of Forestry



  • E1 Ecology and Diversity of Forest Ecosystems
    Research on the composition, structure and inter-actions of forest ecosystems is part of the programme. Geographical conditions vital for forest management and the requirements for maintaining sustainable management and preserving the stability of ecosystems are identified. The main areas of research are: site conditions of forest stands, hydrology, climatic conditions, and the diversity of forest ecosystems, such as soil microbiology, physiology, botany and dendrology, species composition, structure, dynamics and inter-relations of ecosystems, and the evolutionary and genetic processes of woody plants.
  • E2 Biological Basis of Forest Management
    The doctoral programme teaches sylviculture, production of seed material, wildlife management, forest protection (including pathology and zoology), adopting the latest experimental and research findings, related both to plantation forestry and to nature-oriented management.
  • E3 Forest Assets Management
    The subject is concerned with the analyses of the stock type characteristics of forests and forestry processes in natural and financial terms, as well as the harmonisation of the legal and economic regulations with forestry interests.
    Disciplines of the forest assets management programme are: forest management planning, computer science applied to forestry, forest and hunting rights, forestry history, hunting law, economics for forest and wildlife management (forestry accounting and finance, forest and damage assessment, and sales and marketing policy).
  • E4 Forest Technology
    This PhD sub–programme provides a comprehensive, scientific approach to the technical implementation of forestry policies (mechanisation, energetics, forest utilisation, opening-up and water management) based on measurements and experiments. It deals with the improvement of mechanisation in reproductive material production, sylviculture, forest and timber utilisation, and with the development of mechanisation in energy tree plantations, the connection between mechanisation and environment protection, wood for energy production, planning, organisation and technology of forest utilisation, topics of opening-up and water management as well as with forest road construction and maintenance.
  • E5 Wildlife Management
    In the doctoral programme, students deal with the forest, field and water ecosystems and their species and communities of species. The research topics embrace all the areas of open field game conservation and management and all the fields of hunting, as well as all the related sciences such as the kennel, gun ballistics, trophy assessment, wildlife health, game management in closure, wildlife forage ground and game feeding, economics and history of the science.
  • E6 Nature Conservation
    The Nature Conservation course aims at the implementation of a scientific programme that monitors international strategies addressing natural challenges of global issues and their effective application to Hungary. The programme encourages nature-conscious development and experiments in the national conservation practice, while strengthening scientific grounds of professional and political efforts. It will involve a talented new generation in the innovative research. It aims to educate experts who are not only professionals, receptive to theory, but experts with positive values of life and healthy ecosystems.
  • E7 Geoinformatics Programme
    The rapid development of GIS, the expansion of satellite monitoring and positioning methods led to the initiation of a separate Geoinformatics programme at the Doctoral School. It offers courses and research opportunities in the field of land management, surveying and geoinformatics, mainly related to agricultural management and land use, including the application of the modern technical tools of thematic modelling, remote sensing and mapping.
  • E8 Forest and Environmental Pedagogy Programme
    Environmental pedagogy is a multidisciplinary field of study, which prepares students with a comprehensive background in natural and social sciences to teach environment consciousness and to develop related activities. The aim of study and research is to develop educational methodology and practice at every level of public education, from kindergarten to higher education, and thus enhance environment consciousness through methods fitting the age of pupils and students.



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